Modesty as described in chapter 9 (pg 284) as "personal humility about ones accomplishments and a profound commitment to the good of the company." the doctor couple that started the pediatric practice I work for are incredibly modest. Both of these doctors are extraordinary doctors, they led an interesting life and still sit on many medical boards. They are both incredibly knowledgeable about a wide variety of things health related and not. Surprisingly enough, despite both of them being these remarkable people, they have not let any of it go to their heads. They won several awards recently for being the best in the bay area and they just smiled, and filed it away somewhere. They are a walking definition of modesty and their good character is what the rest of us can only strive to exemplify.
I agree I think it also is a tribute to an individual's achievement if they do not have to talk about everything they have done ,but can instead let their actions represent them. I think modesty also goes beyond whether you talk about yourself though. Modesty has to do with where you put yourself in your list of priorities. Do you put your employees first. For my boss I see that he talks about our business' success but I still think he is modest because he fully acknowledges the team he has working with him. Also I think modesty is evident in that he support the employees if any customers complain. This provides a supportive work environment were employees are motivated because we know the expectation.
ReplyDeleteI agree. There are a lot of people in the world who are not modest and who brags to no end about their accomplishments. There are even people who brags all the time without something to back them up. I myself try my best to be as humble and modest as possible as my parent raised me to be one as I don't need to brag about my accomplishments as other people will notice anyway. It is also part of the Philippine culture to be modest; and humble people are very well appreciated and liked.